Indonesian Physics Communication


Journal Title: Indonesian Physics Communication
Other names: Komunikasi Fisika Indonesia (KFI), formerly
e-ISSN: 2579-521X  [LIPI] [ISSN Portal]
p-ISSN: 1412-2960  [LIPI] [ISSN Portal]
Frequencies: March, July, & November (Before 2020: April & October)
Organizer & PublisherDepartment of Physics, FMIPA Universitas Riau
DOI: 10.31258/jkfi
Scope: Physical Sciences and Astronomy (Miscellaneous)
Language: Indonesian and English (Preferred)
Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar, Dimension


Indonesian Physics Communication (IPC / ISO Abbr.: Ind. Phy. Comm.), formerly known as Komunikasi Fisika Indonesia (KFI), is a peer-reviewed journal on physical science organized and published by the Department of Physics Universitas Riau and supported by Faculty Mathematic and Natural Science UNRI and LPPM UNRI. The journal also plans to collaborate with the Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI) of Riau Branch (MoU).

KFI firstly published a printed-based paper in 2002, twice a year in April and October, regularly.  The online system was established in 2011 and followed by the publication of an online-articles version. Starting in 2020, KFI Journal publishes excellent scientific articles every three times a year, March, July, and November. KFI accepts original research or review articles in the fields of physics and astronomy, including, but not limited to, theoretical physics, geophysics, plasma, energy, optics and photonics, materials science and nanotechnology, instrumentation, electronics, astronomy, earth and planetary, and applied physics (application physics). We cordially invite researchers and academicians to publish their work in this journal.  The author(s) can download the journal template here.



We are humbly to inform all our author(s) and readers that the published article in IPC from vol 14 no 1 of 2018, has been officially accredited by Sinta 4 based on the Decree of Kemenristek/BRIN  No 200/M/KPT/2020. This certification is valid for 5 years. Currently, IPC's accreditation has been extended to 2027.


Vol 21, No 1 (2024)

Full Issue

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Table of Contents


Rani Rahmawati, Widi Komariah, Helmina Pebriyanti, Dedeh Sukmawati, Siti Rusmiati, Retno Nopita, Eko Sujarwanto
Endang Surahman, Eko Sujarwanto, Irwan Muhammad Ridwan
Saktioto Saktioto, Yan Soerbakti, Ari Sulistyo Rini, Budi Astuti, Erman Taer, Rahmondia Nanda Setiadi, Syamsudhuha Syamsudhuha, Sofia Anita, Yolanda Rati
Indah Pratiwi Tanjung, Masthura Masthura, Nazaruddin Nasution
Vicha Indriany, Masthura Masthura, Nazaruddin Nasution
Nur Aisah Sagala, Ety Jumiati, Ridwan Yusuf Lubis
Anggi Kumala Dwi, Mulkan Iskandar Nasution, Nazaruddin Nasution
Amriansyah Simatupang, Mulkan Iskandar Nasution, Muhammad Nuh
Debby Marantika, Masthura Masthura, Ratni Sirait
Sri Ulina Karo Sekali, Awitdrus Awitdrus
Lily Wandari, Usman Malik
Hijrah Septia Anisa, Usman Malik, Krisman Sabar, Sherly Mutiara
Reynal Nur Razzaq, Defrianto Defrianto
Mohammad Fisal Rabin, Minarni Shiddiq, Rahmondia Nanda Setiadi, Ihsan Okta Harmailil, Ramdani Ramdani, Dedi Permana
Novi Yanti, Pharada Kresna, Muhammad Nasir, Rakhmawati Farma, Lilik Tri Hardanto, Rika Taslim, Erman Taer