Design an Arduino-based rice ATM machine system using RFID and ultrasonic sensors

Andi Dhika Putranta Makullawu


A system has been developed for an Arduino-based rice ATM machine that utilises RFID and ultrasonic sensors. The system employs a quantitative research strategy and is designed to automatically distribute rice to the public. This device utilises the Arduino Uno microcontroller as its primary controller. The sensors employed for detection of rice quantity in the rice ATM machine are Ultrasonic Sensors. The activation card reader utilised to dispense rice is an radio frequency identification (RFID) reader. The output components responsible for the operation of the rice ATM machine are a Servo Motor, a 2X16 LCD, and a Buzzer. The study yielded satisfactory results as each component tested and utilised in the rice ATM machines successfully executed the controller programme commanded by Arduino. This programme effectively dispensed rice in the desired quantity, detected unauthorised cards, and accurately determined rice balances. Furthermore, the application of these components proved to be straightforward and uncomplicated. In public, this can be demonstrated through testing conducted on individual components or machines. RFID technology is used to read the frequency from the RFID card, while ultrasonic sensors detect the quantity of rice and generate a code using a buzzer. Additionally, an LCD display provides comprehensive information about the rice ATM's status, which users can easily comprehend. The mechanical system of the servo motor enables the movement of the exit door for rice weighing over 15 kg.


Arduino Uno; distribution; radio frequency identification; rice ATM

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