Utilization of young coconut fiber activated carbon with pre-carbonization variations as a supercapacitor electrode

Winda Nofriyanti, Awitdrus Awitdrus


Supercapacitor is an electrochemical device that combines power delivery capability and charge storage capability. The main components of a supercapacitor are electrodes, separator, electrolyte and current collector. In this study, carbon electrodes are made from coconut fiber biomass waste with variations in the pre- carbonization of 2000C, 2250C and 2500C with the sample codes being SC-200, SC-225 and SC-250. The fabrication of Carbon electrodes is carried out by several processes, namely pre-carbonization, chemical activation with a ZnCl2 activator of 0.5 M, followed by a carbonization process using N2 gas at a temperature of 6000C and physical activation using C02 gas at a temperature of 7500C. Mass decreases after pre-carbonization by 23.01%, 27% and 36.51%. The highest density value of the samples is found SC-225 with a mass loss percentage value of 41,66%. Cyclic voltammetry showed that the SC-225 supercapacitor cell produces the highest capacitance value of 199.82 In summary, the temperature SC-225 can be used as an activated Carbon electrode capable of improving the performance of the supercapacitor electrode.


Electrode carbon, pre-carbonization, supercapacitor, young cocofiber


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31258/jkfi.21.2.%25p


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