Ety Jumiati, Miftahul Husnah, Sunny Nafisah


Biodegradable plastics have been investigated using avocado seed starch, rice husk cellulose, chitosan, and glycerol in order to determine the mechanical characteristics of biodegradable plastics. Variations in the composition of avocado seed starch and rice husk cellulose in each sample A (100% : 0%), B (87.5% : 12.5%), C (75% : 25%), D (62.5% : 37.5%), and E (50% : 50%). The process of making biodegradable plastic is carried out using a material mixing process using a magnetic stirrer and a hot plate at a maintained temperature of  ± 70°C − 80°C and dried in an oven. Mechanical tests carried out include tensile strength, elongation, and modulus of elasticity tests. The results of the mechanical characterization test for the optimal biodegradable plastic are found in sample E (50% : 50%) with a tensile strength value of 20.6123 MPa and an elastic modulus of  353.7985 MPa which meets the ASTM D882-12 standard.


Biodegradable Plastic; Avocado Seed Starch; Rice Husk Cellulose


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