Analysis of pressure distribution in cylindrical tube fluid flow using a fiber Bragg grating

Annisa Ratna Pertiwi, Saktioto Saktioto, Bambang Widiyatmoko, Dwi Hanto


Scientists have shown significant interest in fiber optic sensors, resulting in the widespread utilization of optical fibers as sensors for measuring strain and temperature. The utilization of fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) is on the rise due to their heightened sensitivity and fast transmission speed. This study aims to investigate the pressure distribution of FBGs in a cylindrical tube under the influence of loudspeaker vibrations and hot water vapor. The provided variants consisted of two conditions, the first condition involves a tube without water vapor and a heart sound, and another including a tube with water vapor and a heart sound. We positioned the FBG at 20 distinct locations along the cylindrical tube in this investigation to measure strain values at each position. The results produced from these two situations demonstrate that temperature and air vapor pressure have an impact on the presence of sound, with the maximum strain value observed when hot water vapor and heart sounds are present.


Fiber Bragg grating; fluid flow; hot water vapor; sound; strain


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